Recycle, Reuse & Reduce At Our Local Coffee Roasters

Explore ways we reduce, recycle and reuse as local coffee roasters and see how we are taking steps to make positive environmental impacts

At Bristol Twenty, we are passionate about doing our bit for the environment and in turn, saving the planet. We’re proud to have implemented various innovative ways of recycling, reusing and reducing.

local coffee roasters
Local Coffee Roasters


As local coffee roasters, we always strive to recycle whenever and wherever possible. We work hard to make sure our waste is kept at a minimum and make sure everything that does come into our building can be recycled so is all plastics, paper and cardboard. Ways we recycle:

  • All staff at Bristol Twenty only buy things that are 100% recyclable 
  • Any cardboard deliveries are shredded and used as packaging material
  • All of our packaging is 50% recycled material and fully recyclable and compostable
  • Our labels are sugar paper meaning they are recyclable and compostable
  • All of our takeaway cups are recyclable 
  • Our teabags and coffee pods are starch based and fully compostable, this means they can go into home garden composting or food waste


If something can be reused, we make sure it is! We don’t let anything go to waste with creative and clever ways of keeping things in circulation: 

  • We run our reusable plastic tubs system where you can return the container to have it refilled
  • We use our coffee sacks for rubbish rather than buying black plastic bags. They are compostable as they are made from hessian.
  • We offer our coffee sacks for people to buy and use for craft projects. 
  • All of the chaff and spent coffee grounds from the roastery goes straight to our garden
  • We are also working on a coffee machine recycling project where we take old unwanted machines and repairs them for sale or lower rental deals for customers
Local Coffee Roasters
Local Coffee Roasters


The best thing you can do to be environmentally sustainable is to reduce consumption in the first place. Here are ways we reduce our consumption:

  • All local deliveries in Bristol, Bath, Somerset, South Gloucestershire and South Wales are done by electric car or Euro 6 vans to reduce carbon emissions from our vehicles
  • We encourage for all delivery boxes to be brought back to use so we can reuse them for more deliveries
  • Through Ecologi we invest money into carbon positive projects that are designed to recover the carbon we produce as a company to offset it. To date we have replaced 59.25 tonnes of carbon this is through a mixture of planting trees and funding projects such as wind farms in India or preserving areas of the Colombian Rainforest.
  • We have replaced our lighting and heating with energy efficient versions to reduce our usage. 
  • We only buy renewable energy from our suppliers.
  • All of our staff are trained to turn off lights and shut doors to further reduce our usage.

If you would like to read more about our sustainability goals for 2023 then please explore below.